The Black Label Salvation cigar is a creation of Black Label Trading Company, known for its boutique, small-batch cigars. Founded by James and Angela Brown in 2013, the company focuses on producing unique and high-quality cigars. The Salvation line is celebrated for its rich and bold flavors, making it a favorite among cigar enthusiasts.
Flavor Profile: Rich with notes of charred wood, chocolate, smoky sweetness, and peppery spice.
The Black Label Salvation 6 x 60 Gordo is a medium-full bodied cigar crafted in Nicaragua at the renowned Fabrica Oveja Negra. Featuring an Ecuadorian Sun Grown Habano wrapper, Honduran binder, and Nicaraguan fillers, this Gordo (6 x 60) offers a rich flavor profile with notes of charred wood, chocolate, smoky sweetness, and peppery spice. Known for its bold and complex flavors, the Salvation line is a testament to Black Label Trading Company’s dedication to quality and craftsmanship.