The La Musa Robusto LE by Emilio Cigars is a limited edition release that showcases the complexities of Nicaraguan tobacco. Originally launched in 2020, this cigar is crafted at the renowned Fabrica Oveja Negra and features a unique barber pole design with Nicaraguan Habano leaves.
Flavor Profile: Rich with notes of cocoa, spices, and cedar.
The La Musa Robusto LE by Emilio Cigars is a medium-bodied cigar crafted in Nicaragua at the esteemed Fabrica Oveja Negra. Featuring a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper, binder, and filler, this Robusto (5 x 50) offers a rich flavor profile with notes of cocoa, spices, and cedar. This limited edition release highlights the complexities of Nicaraguan tobacco and is a testament to Emilio Cigars’ dedication to quality and craftsmanship.