The 1502 Nicaragua Churchill is a highly rated cigar, receiving a 91-rating from Cigar Journal in 2016. It is known for its complex flavor profile and is handmade by Plasencia Cigars.
Flavor Profile: This cigar offers a floral and nutty aroma with flavors of citrus, apple, cedar, and an underlying sweetness.
The 1502 Nicaraguan Churchill Box Pressed is a medium to full-strength premium tobacco cigar crafted in Nicaragua. This Churchill-sized cigar (7 x 50) features a savory, oily Colorado wrapper, with a Nicaraguan binder and filler. Handmade by Plasencia Cigars for Global Premium Cigars, it delivers a complex flavor profile with notes of citrus, apple, cedar, and a touch of sweetness. Rated 91 by Cigar Journal in 2016, this cigar offers a sophisticated and satisfying smoking experience for discerning enthusiasts.