The Emilio Side 1 Maduro Robusto cigars are part of a special line that highlights the best of what Emilio has to offer. Whether you’re a long-time smoker or just enjoy a good cigar now and then, these premium tobacco cigars will hit the spot. If you’re lookin' to buy cigars online, these are a solid choice.
These handmade cigars are a standout. Wrapped in a dark, rich San Andrés Maduro leaf, they offer that deep, earthy flavor that’s just right. Emilio Cigars crafted these beauties with precision, using some of the finest Nicaraguan tobacco to give you a bold, full-bodied smoke.
A little history: The Side 1 series from Emilio Cigars was designed to showcase unique and innovative blends, making it a favorite among cigar enthusiasts.
Looking to grab Emilio Side 1 Maduro Robusto online? You’re in the right place. We’ve got these premium cigars right here at Cigars N Cigars, ready for you. So go ahead, light one up and enjoy. These hand rolled cigars are perfect for unwinding anytime.