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PDR Cigars is a renowned boutique cigar brand recognized for its commitment to quality and craftsmanship. With a dedication to blending innovative flavors and using premium tobaccos, PDR Cigars offers a diverse range of cigars that cater to both novice and experienced aficionados. From their Small Batch Reserve to their 1878 Series, each PDR cigar promises a distinctive smoking experience crafted with expertise and passion.

PDR Flores y Rodriguez Maduro Genios Box of 24 Cigars For Sale Top View

PDR Flores y Rodriguez Maduro Genios

PDR Flores y Rodriguez Maduro Canonazo Cigar For Sale Box Front View

PDR Flores y Rodriguez Maduro Canonazo

PDR Flores y Rodriguez Habano Genios Cigar For Sale Front View

PDR Flores y Rodriguez Habano Genios

Flores y Rodriguez Habano Canonazo Cigar For Sale Front View

PDR Flores y Rodriguez Habano Canonazo

Flores y Rodriguez 10th Anniversary Robusto Cigar For Sale

PDR Flores y Rodriguez 10th Anniversary Robusto

PDR Flores Y Rodriguez 10th Anniversary Gran Toro Cigar For Sale

PDR Flores Y Rodriguez 10th Anniversary Gran Toro

Flores y Rodriguez Cabinet Seleccion Maduro Magicos Cigar For Sale

Flores y Rodriguez Cabinet Seleccion Maduro Magicos

PDR Flores y Rodriguez Habano Magicos Cigar For Sale

PDR Flores y Rodriguez Habano Magicos

PDR AFR-75 San Andres Edicion Limitada Sublime Maduro Cigar For Sale

PDR AFR-75 San Andres Edicion Limitada Sublime Maduro

PDR AFR-75 San Andres Edicion Limitada Inmenso Maduro Cigar For Sale

PDR AFR-75 San Andres Edicion Limitada Inmenso Maduro

PDR AFR-75 San Andres Edicion Limitada Edmundo Maduro Cigar For Sale

PDR AFR-75 San Andres Edicion Limitada Edmundo Maduro

PDR A. Flores 1975 Serie Privada Maduro SP 58 Cigar For Sale

PDR A. Flores 1975 Serie Privada SP 58

PDR A. Flores 1975 Serie Privada Maduro SP 54 Cigar For Sale

PDR A. Flores 1975 Serie Privada SP 54

PDR A. Flores 1975 Gran Reserva Sungrown Double Magnum Cigar For Sale

PDR A. Flores 1975 Gran Reserva Sungrown

$189.95 - $209.95
PDR A. Flores 1975 Gran Reserva Corojo 2006 Cigar For Sale

PDR A. Flores 1975 Gran Reserva Corojo 2006

$169.95 - $199.95
Flor Y Rodriguez 10th Anniversay Wide Churchill Open Box

PDR Flores Y Rodriguez 10th Anniversay Wide Churchill


Discover the world of PDR Cigars, where passion meets craftsmanship to create exceptional smoking experiences. With a dedication to quality and innovation, PDR Cigars has earned a reputation for producing premium handcrafted cigars that captivate enthusiasts worldwide.

Founded by master blender and cigar aficionado, Abraham Flores, PDR Cigars combines traditional techniques with modern flair to craft a diverse range of cigars suited to every palate. From the rich and complex flavors of the A. Flores 1975 Serie Privada to the smooth and elegant blends of the PDR 1878 Reserva Dominicana, each cigar is a testament to the brand's commitment to excellence.

Exploring PDR Cigars

At PDR Cigars, we believe in the art of cigar making and the enjoyment it brings to enthusiasts around the world. Our portfolio boasts a wide array of blends, each meticulously crafted to deliver a unique and unforgettable smoking experience.

From our classic lines like the PDR 1878 and A. Flores to our innovative small-batch releases, every PDR cigar reflects our passion for quality and craftsmanship. Whether you prefer a mild and creamy smoke or a bold and full-bodied flavor profile, PDR Cigars offers something for every discerning palate.

The Art of Blending

At the heart of PDR Cigars is a commitment to blending the finest tobaccos to create harmonious and balanced flavors. Their master blenders meticulously select and age tobacco leaves from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, ensuring that each cigar offers complexity and depth.

With a focus on consistency and refinement, PDR Cigars continues to push the boundaries of cigar blending, introducing new and exciting flavors to the market. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of cigars, PDR Cigars invites you to experience the artistry of their blends.

Top Selling PDR Cigars

  • PDR A. Flores 1975 Serie Privada Maduro: This cigar is a luxurious creation from PDR, paying homage to the rich history of tobacco craftsmanship. The Serie Privada Maduro features a dark and oily San Andrés Maduro wrapper that beautifully complements its Dominican and Nicaraguan filler blend.
  • PDR 1878 Reserva Dominicana: Known for its rich flavors and impeccable construction, the PDR 1878 Reserva Dominicana features a Dominican Habano wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, offering a balanced and satisfying smoking experience.
  • A. Flores 1975 Serie Privada: Crafted by master blender Abraham Flores, the A. Flores 1975 Serie Privada boasts a flavorful Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Dominican binder, and a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers. This medium to full-bodied cigar delights with notes of spice, earth, and cedar.
  • PDR Dark Harvest: A unique blend featuring Connecticut Broadleaf wrappers and Dominican fillers, the PDR Dark Harvest delivers a bold and robust smoking experience. Expect flavors of dark chocolate, espresso, and a hint of sweetness in this full-bodied cigar.
  • PDR Small Batch Reserve: Handcrafted in small batches, the PDR Small Batch Reserve showcases a diverse blend of tobaccos, including Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, an Ecuadorian Habano binder, and a flavorful Ecuadorian Corojo wrapper. This medium to full-bodied cigar offers complexity and depth with every puff.
  • PDR 1878 Capa Maduro: Wrapped in a dark and oily Mexican San Andres Maduro wrapper, the PDR 1878 Capa Maduro delivers rich and bold flavors. With a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, this medium to full-bodied cigar offers notes of cocoa, pepper, and leather.

Experience PDR Cigars

Join us on a journey of flavor and craftsmanship with PDR Cigars. Explore our collection of premium handcrafted cigars and discover the perfect smoke for any occasion.

Whether you're relaxing with friends, celebrating a special moment, or simply indulging in a moment of solitude, PDR Cigars offers the perfect companion to elevate your smoking experience.

Frequently Asked Questions about PDR Cigars

Q: What sets PDR Cigars apart from other brands?

A: PDR Cigars stands out for its commitment to quality, innovation, and the art of blending. Our diverse range of blends offers something for every palate, ensuring a memorable smoking experience for enthusiasts.

Q: Are PDR Cigars suitable for beginners?

A: Yes, PDR Cigars offers a variety of blends, including milder options that are perfect for beginners. Our cigars are crafted with care and precision to deliver a smooth and enjoyable smoking experience for aficionados at every level.

Q: How should I store my PDR Cigars?

A: To preserve the freshness and flavor of your PDR Cigars, it's recommended to store them in a humidor with stable temperature and humidity levels. This ensures that the cigars age gracefully and maintain their optimal smoking characteristics.

Q: What makes PDR Cigars unique?

A: PDR Cigars prides itself on its dedication to craftsmanship and innovation. Our master blenders combine traditional techniques with modern flair to create cigars that push the boundaries of flavor and complexity, offering enthusiasts a truly exceptional smoking experience.