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1502 Cigars was founded by Enrique Sánchez Icaza in 2012, named after the year Christopher Columbus first encountered Nicaragua. Based in Estelí, Nicaragua, the brand was created to highlight the rich tobacco heritage of the region. 1502 Cigars quickly earned a reputation for producing premium tobacco cigars that combine traditional craftsmanship with modern innovation, delivering a rich and memorable smoking experience.


Leadership and Philosophy, Under the leadership of Enrique Sánchez Icaza, 1502 Cigars focuses on creating high-quality, boutique cigars that reflect Nicaragua's rich tobacco culture. The brand’s philosophy is rooted in the idea of delivering luxury and balance in every cigar, blending premium tobacco with expert craftsmanship. 1502 Cigars emphasizes quality over quantity, ensuring that every cigar produced meets high standards of flavor and construction.

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1502 XO Lancero Box Pressed (WB)

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Now: $219.95
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1502 Black Gold Conquistador

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1502 Aniversario 10 Toro (Box of 10)

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1502 Black Gold Toro Box Pressed (Bundle of 20)

1502 Nicaragua Robusto Box Pressed (Bundle of 20)

1502 Nicaragua Robusto Box Pressed (Bundle of 20)

1502 Emerald Toro Box Pressed (Bundle of 20) front view

1502 Emerald Toro Box Pressed (Bundle of 20)

1502 Blue Sapphire Robusto Gordo front view

1502 Blue Sapphire Robusto Gordo (Bundle of 20)

1502 Aniversario 10 Toro

1502 Aniversario 10 Toro (Bundle of 20)

$82.95 - $296.95
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1502 Corona Gorda Collection


Production and Craftsmanship


Tobacco Sourcing: 1502 Cigars sources its premium tobacco from Nicaragua and other key regions like Mexico and the Dominican Republic. These regions are known for their fertile soil and ideal growing conditions, producing tobacco with deep, complex flavors. 1502’s dedication to selecting the best tobacco ensures that their premium cigars offer a rich, layered smoking experience.


Production Process: Each 1502 cigar is handmade and hand-rolled by skilled artisans in Estelí, Nicaragua. The company’s small-batch production process focuses on ensuring consistency in every cigar, from fermentation to aging and rolling. 1502 Cigars are known for their smooth draws, even burns, and robust flavor profiles, setting them apart as a premium option in the cigar world.


Product Line and Key Cigars


Signature Blends: 1502 Cigars is known for standout blends like 1502 Emerald, 1502 Ruby, and 1502 Black Gold. The 1502 Emerald offers a mild-to-medium-bodied smoke with creamy, nutty flavors, while 1502 Ruby is a medium-bodied cigar with rich, earthy undertones. 1502 Black Gold is a full-bodied blend, offering robust notes of dark chocolate, leather, and pepper. These blends exemplify the brand’s commitment to crafting premium tobacco cigars with balanced, bold flavors.


Variety of Offerings: 1502 Cigars offers a range of handmade cigars suitable for both novice smokers and seasoned aficionados. Their blends range from mild to full-bodied, ensuring there is a cigar for every taste. For those seeking a powerful, complex smoke, the 1502 Black Gold is ideal, while 1502 Emerald provides a smoother, more accessible experience. 1502 Cigars are available online and through select retailers.


Industry Recognition and Awards


Recognition and Awards: 1502 Cigars has received high praise within the cigar industry, with many of its blends earning 90+ ratings in cigar publications. The brand’s attention to detail, quality, and innovative blending has garnered respect from both cigar enthusiasts and industry experts, positioning 1502 Cigars as a leader in the boutique cigar market.


Customer Loyalty and Reputation: 1502 Cigars has earned a loyal following among cigar enthusiasts who appreciate the brand’s boutique, small-batch approach. Customers and experts alike commend the brand for its rich flavors, consistent quality, and dedication to craftsmanship. The premium quality and unique blends have solidified 1502’s reputation as a top-tier brand in the world of handmade cigars.


Market and Distribution


Distribution Channels: 1502 Cigars are available both in brick-and-mortar cigar shops and online. Customers looking to purchase 1502 Cigars online can find a wide selection through various retailers, making it easy to explore their range of premium cigars. The brand’s distribution strategy ensures that their cigars are accessible to enthusiasts around the globe.


Global Reach and Popularity: 1502 Cigars has grown in popularity both in the U.S. and internationally. The brand’s premium tobacco cigars, combined with its dedication to craftsmanship and innovation, have made it a standout in the global cigar market. As 1502 continues to expand, its reputation for excellence remains strong.


Craftsmanship and Artisanal Approach


Artisan Work: The craftsmanship behind 1502 Cigars is evident in every handmade cigar. Skilled artisans hand-roll each cigar, ensuring precise construction and consistent quality. 1502 Cigars are known for their smooth draws, even burns, and balanced flavors, making them a favorite among those who value artisanal craftsmanship in their cigars.


Commitment to Tradition: While 1502 Cigars incorporates modern innovation in its blends, the brand remains deeply committed to traditional cigar-making techniques. By blending time-honored methods of hand-rolling with modern blending innovations, 1502 Cigars offers a smoking experience that respects the past while embracing the future of premium cigars.


FAQs and Common Questions


Common Questions: 1502 Cigars are best suited for smokers who appreciate boutique, handmade cigars with complex, balanced flavors. The brand’s premium tobacco cigars cater to both new and experienced smokers. The small-batch production process ensures that each cigar delivers a high-quality smoking experience.


Cigar Experience: Smoking a 1502 cigar provides a rich, flavorful experience with smooth draws and an even burn. Whether enjoying the bold 1502 Black Gold or the milder 1502 Emerald, smokers can expect a premium cigar that offers depth, complexity, and balance.


Company Size and Production Scale


Factory and Production Scale: 1502 Cigars operates as a boutique brand, producing small batches of premium cigars in its factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. This small-scale production allows for careful attention to detail, ensuring that every cigar meets the brand’s high standards for quality and craftsmanship.

Sustainability or Ethical Practices: 1502 Cigars is committed to sustainability and ethical practices in its tobacco production. The company works closely with local farmers to ensure environmentally responsible tobacco cultivation, reflecting its dedication to producing premium cigars in a way that respects both people and the environment.