The 262 Ideology Churchill is a premium cigar from 262 Cigars, a brand known for its commitment to quality and craftsmanship. The name "262" references February 1962, the date when President Kennedy signed the embargo against Cuba. This full-bodied cigar features an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, with Nicaraguan and Mexican fillers bound by a Nicaraguan binder. The Churchill shape, measuring 7 x 48, allows for a slow, contemplative smoke. The flavor profile is rich and balanced, offering notes of cedar, spices, caramel, and coffee, making it an ideal choice for those who appreciate a well-crafted premium cigar.
Q: What is the flavor profile of the 262 Ideology Churchill cigar?
A: The 262 Ideology Churchill cigar features a full-bodied flavor profile with notes of cedar, spices, caramel, and coffee.
Q: Where is the 262 Ideology Churchill cigar produced?
A: The 262 Ideology Churchill cigar is produced in Nicaragua, known for its high-quality tobacco and craftsmanship.
Q: What premium tobaccos are used in the 262 Ideology Churchill cigar?
A: The 262 Ideology Churchill cigar uses an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, with Nicaraguan and Mexican fillers, and a Nicaraguan binder.