Product Overview
The Asylum 13 Ogre 60 x 6 cigars are a standout addition to the Asylum lineup, crafted with precision and care in Nicaragua. These handmade cigars are a testament to the brand's dedication to quality and innovation. Each cigar is meticulously hand rolled, featuring a unique dual-wrapper combination of Nicaraguan Habano Maduro and Candela that creates a striking barber pole design. The Asylum 13 Ogre 60 x 6 cigars online offer a unique smoking experience with a blend that highlights the brand's history and craftsmanship. These premium cigars are perfect for enthusiasts seeking a medium-full bodied smoke with rich, complex flavors.
Flavor Profile Details
The flavor profile of Asylum 13 Ogre 60 x 6 cigars is a sensory delight. From the first draw, you'll experience a harmonious blend of rich chocolate, earth, and coffee notes. As you progress, subtle hints of spices and cream emerge, creating a complex and evolving smoking experience. These handmade cigars stand out with their rich and layered flavors, making each puff a journey through premium tobacco craftsmanship.
Asylum 13 Ogre 60 x 6 cigars are a testament to exceptional craftsmanship. Each cigar is hand rolled in Nicaragua, using traditional techniques that ensure consistency and quality. The factory's reputation for producing premium tobacco cigars is evident in every detail, from the perfectly constructed wrapper to the expertly blended filler. This dedication to artisanal methods sets these cigars apart from others in the market.
Celebratory/Collector’s Edition
The Asylum 13 Ogre 60 x 6 cigars are a must-have for collectors and enthusiasts. This release marks a significant addition to the Asylum lineup, showcasing the brand's commitment to excellence. The exclusivity of these cigars, combined with their unique blend, makes them a prized addition to any collection. Don't miss the chance to own a piece of cigar artistry with these premium cigars.
Packaging and Presentation
The packaging and presentation of the Asylum 13 Ogre 60 x 6 cigars reflect the brand's identity and attention to detail. Each cigar is adorned with a distinctive band that highlights its unique barber pole design. The box design is sophisticated and stylish, making it a perfect gift for any cigar aficionado. This premium presentation underscores the quality and exclusivity of these cigars.
Q: What is the flavor profile of Asylum 13 Ogre 60 x 6 cigars, and how does it evolve throughout the smoking experience? A: The flavor profile includes rich chocolate, earth, and coffee notes, evolving to subtle hints of spices and cream, creating a complex and rich smoking experience.
Q: What makes Asylum 13 Ogre 60 x 6 cigars stand out among other cigars in its class? A: These cigars stand out due to their unique barber pole design, exceptional craftsmanship, and rich, layered flavor profile.
Q: Where are Asylum 13 Ogre 60 x 6 cigars made, and what distinguishes their craftsmanship or factory from others? A: These cigars are made in Nicaragua, distinguished by their traditional hand-rolling techniques and the factory's reputation for producing premium tobacco cigars.
Q: What is the strength of Asylum 13 Ogre 60 x 6 cigars, and who is it best suited for? Describe the ideal smoking experience. A: These cigars are medium-full strength, best suited for smokers who appreciate a rich and complex flavor profile.
Q: What are the best drinks or foods to pair with Asylum 13 Ogre 60 x 6 cigars to enhance its flavor profile? A: Pair these cigars with a rich espresso, dark chocolate, or a full-bodied red wine to complement and enhance their bold flavors.
Experience the exclusivity and premium quality of Asylum 13 Ogre 60 x 6 cigars. Don't miss out on this exceptional release—buy these premium cigars online today and enjoy a truly remarkable smoking experience.