The EP Carrillo Encore Celestial is a distinguished cigar crafted by the legendary Ernesto Perez-Carrillo. Produced at the Casa Carrillo factory in the Dominican Republic, this cigar is part of the acclaimed Encore series, which has garnered significant praise since its introduction. The Encore Celestial, in particular, has been celebrated for its exceptional balance and rich flavor profile.
This medium-bodied cigar is made entirely from Nicaraguan tobaccos, offering a complex and layered smoking experience. The flavor profile includes notes of toffee, black cherry, coffee bean, and a hint of ginger spice on the finish. The Encore Celestial is known for its smooth and balanced smoke, making it a favorite among both frequent and occasional smokers.
Q. What is the flavor profile of EP Carrillo Encore Celestial, and how does it evolve throughout the smoking experience?
A. The flavor profile includes toffee, black cherry, coffee bean, and a hint of ginger spice. The cigar evolves with a rich and balanced blend, offering a satisfying and complex smoking experience.
Q. What makes EP Carrillo Encore Celestial stand out among other cigars in its class?
A. Its unique blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos, exceptional craftsmanship by Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, and the balance of flavors make it a standout. The cigar's rich and complex flavor profile adds to its appeal.
Q. Where is EP Carrillo Encore Celestial made, and what distinguishes its craftsmanship or factory from others?
A. It is made at the Casa Carrillo factory in the Dominican Republic. The factory is known for its meticulous attention to detail and high-quality production standards, ensuring each cigar is crafted to perfection.
Q. What is the strength of EP Carrillo Encore Celestial, and who is it best suited for? Describe the ideal smoking experience.
A. The cigar is medium-bodied and best suited for smokers who enjoy a balanced and complex smoke. The ideal smoking experience involves savoring the rich and evolving flavors in a relaxed setting, paired with complementary drinks or foods.
Q. What are the best drinks or foods to pair with EP Carrillo Encore Celestial to enhance its flavor profile?
A. Pairing options include dark coffee, aged rum, or a robust red wine to complement the cigar's rich flavors. Foods like dark chocolate or a hearty steak can also enhance the smoking experience.
Buy EP Carrillo Encore Celestial cigars online at Cigars N Cigars.