The L'Atelier Selection Speciale LAT52 is a premium cigar crafted by renowned cigar makers Pete Johnson and the Garcia family. Hand-rolled at the My Father Cigars factory in Nicaragua, this cigar features a high-priming Ecuadorian Sancti Spiritus wrapper, paired with Nicaraguan binders and fillers. The Selection Speciale line was initially released in 2013, with the LAT52 vitola expanding the series in late 2021.
This medium to full-bodied cigar delivers a dynamic smoking experience, starting with notes of leather, woodsy earth, and spice, which evolve into rich dark chocolate. The meticulous craftsmanship ensures a perfect draw and even burn, enhancing the overall smoking experience. The L'Atelier Selection Speciale LAT52 is known for its bold flavor and robust profile, making it a standout among premium cigars.
Q: What is the flavor profile of L'Atelier Selection Speciale LAT52, and how does it evolve throughout the smoking experience?
A: The flavor profile includes notes of leather, woodsy earth, spice, and dark chocolate. The flavors evolve smoothly, providing a rich and complex smoking experience1.
Q: What makes L'Atelier Selection Speciale LAT52 stand out among other cigars in its class?
A: Its high-priming Ecuadorian Sancti Spiritus wrapper, complex flavor profile, and exceptional craftsmanship at the My Father Cigars factory make it a standout choice for cigar enthusiasts.
Q: Where is L'Atelier Selection Speciale LAT52 made, and what distinguishes its craftsmanship or factory from others?
A: It is made at the My Father Cigars factory in Nicaragua, known for its high-quality, small-batch production.
Q: What is the strength of L'Atelier Selection Speciale LAT52, and who is it best suited for?
A: The cigar is medium to full-bodied, best suited for smokers who enjoy a rich and complex flavor profile. The ideal smoking experience involves savoring the evolving flavors and enjoying the balanced profile.
Q: What are the best drinks or foods to pair with L'Atelier Selection Speciale LAT52 to enhance its flavor profile?
A: Pairing this cigar with a rich espresso, dark chocolate, or a glass of aged rum or whiskey can enhance its bold and complex flavors.
Buy L'Atelier Selection Speciale LAT52 Cigars at Cigars N Cigars today!