Experience a Historic Collaboration: The Montecristo Espada
The Montecristo Espada is more than just a cigar - it's a masterpiece born from the legendary union of Montecristo's heritage and the Plasencia family's unparalleled tobacco expertise. This groundbreaking cigar is the first Montecristo ever crafted in Nicaragua, featuring a blend of meticulously aged, premium Nicaraguan tobaccos.
A Legacy of Flavor
Wrapped in a stunning Habano Jalapa Vintage 2010 leaf, the Espada offers a rich and complex smoking experience. Expect a smooth draw, followed by layers of flavor that include wood, pepper, coffee, cream, nuts, and a touch of sweetness. The result is an incredibly well-balanced cigar that is both elegant and refined.
A Collector's Choice
Presented in a beautiful, suede-covered box of ten, the Montecristo Espada is a must-have for any discerning cigar aficionado. With its exceptional construction, rich flavor profile, and historical significance, the Espada is a true collector's item.
Order your box of Montecristo Espada cigars today and savor a truly unique smoking experience.