The Oliva Serie V Melanio is named after Melanio Oliva, the family patriarch who began growing tobacco in the 1800s. This cigar line honors his legacy and the family's long-standing tradition in the tobacco industry.
Flavor Profile: This cigar offers rich flavors of leather and cedar with hints of nuts, complemented by notes of coffee and a pleasing floral aroma.
The Oliva Serie V Melanio Torpedo is a full-strength, premium tobacco cigar crafted in Nicaragua by the renowned Oliva Cigar Co. This Torpedo-shaped cigar (6.5 x 52) features a smooth Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, with a Nicaraguan binder and filler. Known for its rich and complex flavor profile, it delivers notes of leather, cedar, nuts, and coffee, along with a pleasing floral aroma. Named in honor of Melanio Oliva, the family patriarch, this cigar celebrates the Oliva family's long-standing tradition in the tobacco industry, offering a sophisticated and satisfying smoking experience.