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Viaje Cigars is renowned for its exclusive, limited-edition releases that captivate cigar enthusiasts with their exceptional quality and unique flavor profiles. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted, offering a rich and memorable smoking experience. Discover the artistry and passion behind Viaje Cigars, where every puff tells a story.

Viaje Eternal Night

Viaje Eternal Night

Viaje Whispered Promise

Viaje Whispered Promise

Viaje Grand Slam Camo Yellow For Sale - Top of Box

Viaje Grand Slam Camo Yellow

Viaje Grand Slam Camo Green For Sale - Top of Box

Viaje Grand Slam Camo Green

Viaje Reserva Platino DT (Double Torpedo) For Sale - Top of Box

Viaje Reserva Platino DT (Double Torpedo)

Viaje Reserva Oro DT (Double Torpedo) For Sale - Top of Box

Viaje Reserva Oro DT (Double Torpedo)

Viaje Holiday Blend 2024 For Sale - Top of Box

Viaje Holiday Blend 2024

Viaje Stuffed Turkey Dark '24

Viaje Stuffed Turkey Dark '24

$55.95 - $251.95
Viaje Mrs. Hatchet

Viaje Mrs. Hatchet

$55.95 - $99.95
Viaje Ghost Pepper Large 5 3/16 x  55

Viaje Ghost Pepper Large

$57.95 - $249.95
Viaje Ghost Pepper Small

Viaje Ghost Pepper Small

$50.95 - $222.95
The Crow by Viaje

Viaje The Crow

$49.95 - $129.95
Viaje Skull and Bones Daisy Cutter 2024, Wrapper:	Nicaraguan Criollo, Full Strength for sale

Viaje Skull and Bones Daisy Cutter 2024

$49.95 - $224.95
Viaje Dark Matter

Viaje Dark Matter

$59.95 - $259.95
Viaje - Cache - Six Fifty (Box of 25)

Viaje - Cache - Six Fifty (Box of 25)

Viaje - Cache - Five Fifty Two

Viaje - Cache - Five Fifty Two (Box of 25)

Viaje - Furiosa - Imperator (Box of 51)

Viaje - Furiosa - Imperator (Box of 51)

Viaje Private Bale Bird on a Branch Pajarito

Viaje Private Bale Bird on a Branch Pajarito (Box of 34)

Viaje Furiosa - Fury Robusto For Sale Front View

Viaje Furiosa - Fury Robusto

$49.95 - $454.95
Viaje Furiosa (Fury) Robusto 5 Pack

Viaje Furiosa (Fury) Robusto 5 Pack


Embark on an extraordinary journey into the world of Viaje cigars, a brand synonymous with exclusivity, innovation, and the pinnacle of boutique cigar craftsmanship. Known for its limited-edition releases, Viaje captivates cigar enthusiasts with unparalleled quality and unique flavor profiles.

Viaje cigars are meticulously handcrafted in small batches, ensuring that each blend is a masterpiece of flavor and complexity. Founded by Andre Farkas, Viaje has quickly become a favorite among aficionados who appreciate the art of fine cigar making and the excitement of discovering rare and unique smokes.

Renowned for their bold and innovative blends, Viaje cigars use the finest tobaccos sourced from premier regions, delivering a smoking experience that is both rich and memorable. Each cigar is a testament to Viaje's commitment to excellence and their passion for creating extraordinary cigars.

The Essence of Viaje Cigars

The Viaje name has become synonymous with the highest quality boutique cigars, revered by smokers worldwide for its innovation and exceptional craftsmanship. Since its inception, Viaje has remained at the forefront of the cigar market, setting new standards for excellence and creativity.

With a legacy deeply rooted in the pursuit of perfection, Viaje continues to produce some of the world's most sought-after cigars, cherished by aficionados for their distinct flavor profiles and unparalleled smoking experience. From the celebrated Viaje Exclusivo to the iconic Skull and Bones series, each Viaje product is a testament to the brand's dedication to quality.

Small Batch Production: Viaje's Commitment to Quality

Viaje cigars are meticulously crafted in small production runs, allowing for greater control over quality and consistency. This dedication to small-batch production ensures that every cigar is a true work of art, with each blend offering a unique and unforgettable smoking experience.

Using only the finest tobacco leaves from top regions, Viaje cigars undergo a rigorous aging and fermentation process, allowing the flavors to mature and develop. This meticulous attention to detail results in a smooth and balanced smoking experience that is second to none.

Discovering Viaje's Signature Blends

Among Viaje's lineup, the Viaje Exclusivo stands out as a true masterpiece of cigar craftsmanship. Featuring a blend of premium Nicaraguan tobaccos, the Exclusivo series offers a rich and complex smoking experience that is both bold and refined.

Other notable Viaje blends include the Viaje Skull and Bones, known for its intense flavor and strength, and the Viaje 15th Anniversary, celebrating the brand's milestone with an exceptional blend of carefully selected tobaccos. Whether you prefer a robust and full-bodied smoke or a more nuanced and flavorful blend, Viaje cigars provide an unparalleled journey for the discerning aficionado.

Experience the Viaje Difference

At Cigars N Cigars, we're proud to offer a curated selection of Viaje cigars, allowing aficionados to experience the luxury and innovation of this iconic brand. Whether you're searching for a special occasion cigar or looking to indulge in the finest boutique cigars available, our collection of Viaje cigars is sure to impress.

Explore our online store or visit us in person to discover the artistry and excellence of Viaje cigars. From the bold Viaje Skull and Bones to the elegant Viaje Exclusivo, each cigar is a testament to Viaje's enduring legacy and unwavering commitment to quality.

Don't miss your opportunity to acquire and enjoy the extraordinary Viaje experience. Shop Viaje cigars at Cigars N Cigars today and elevate your smoking journey to new heights.

Frequently Asked Questions about Viaje Cigars

Q: What makes Viaje cigars unique?

A: Viaje cigars are unique due to their small-batch production and limited-edition releases. Each cigar is meticulously handcrafted using the finest tobaccos, ensuring exceptional quality and distinct flavor profiles that are both innovative and memorable.

Q: Where are Viaje cigars made?

A: Viaje cigars are primarily made in Nicaragua, a country renowned for its rich, volcanic soil and ideal growing conditions for premium tobacco. The brand collaborates with some of the finest factories to produce their exclusive blends.

Q: What are some of the most popular Viaje cigar lines?

A: Some of the most popular Viaje cigar lines include the Viaje Exclusivo, Viaje Skull and Bones, and the Viaje 15th Anniversary. Each line offers a unique smoking experience, catering to different preferences and tastes.

Q: How should I store my Viaje cigars?

A: Viaje cigars should be stored in a humidor at a consistent humidity level, ideally between 68-72%, to maintain their optimal condition and preserve their distinctive flavors. Proper storage ensures a premium smoking experience.

Q: Are Viaje cigars suitable for all levels of smokers?

A: While Viaje cigars are known for their complexity and bold flavors, they offer a range of strengths and profiles that can be appreciated by both novice and experienced cigar enthusiasts. It's recommended to start with a milder blend if you're new to Viaje cigars.

Q: Can I find limited-edition Viaje cigars at Cigars N Cigars?

A: Yes, Cigars N Cigars often carries a selection of limited-edition Viaje cigars. These exclusive releases are highly sought after and offer unique and exceptional smoking experiences. Check our online store regularly for the latest arrivals.

Q: What is the best way to enjoy a Viaje cigar?

A: To fully appreciate a Viaje cigar, it is recommended to smoke it slowly and attentively, allowing the complex flavors and aromas to develop. Pairing your cigar with a complementary beverage, such as a fine whiskey or espresso, can also enhance the experience.

Q: How often does Viaje release new cigars?

A: Viaje frequently releases new and exciting limited-edition cigars throughout the year. These releases are highly anticipated by enthusiasts and often feature innovative blends and unique packaging.

Q: What should I expect from a Viaje cigar in terms of flavor?

A: Viaje cigars are known for their rich and complex flavor profiles. Depending on the blend, you can expect notes of cocoa, coffee, pepper, earth, and various spices. Each Viaje cigar offers a unique and nuanced smoking experience that evolves with each puff.