The Black Works Studio Intergalactic Event Horizon cigar is a testament to the brand's dedication to excellence in premium cigars. Crafted at the renowned Fabrica Oveja Negra in Estelí, Nicaragua, this cigar features a Pennsylvania Broadleaf wrapper, Ecuadorian Habano binder, and Nicaraguan long-fillers. The result is a medium-plus bodied cigar with a complex flavor profile that includes notes of leather, earth, cocoa sweetness, pepper, dark fruits, raisins, star anise, and earthiness. This cigar offers a confident and consistent smoking experience, making it a standout in the world of premium cigars.
Petite Corona (4.75 x 46)
Robusto (5 x 50)
Toro (6 x 52)
Q. "What is the flavor profile of Black Works Studio Intergalactic Event Horizon, and how does it evolve throughout the smoking experience?"
A. The flavor profile is medium-plus bodied with notes of leather, earth, cocoa sweetness, pepper, dark fruits, raisins, star anise, and earthiness. The flavors evolve, offering a dynamic and balanced smoking experience with several transitions.
Q. "What makes Black Works Studio Intergalactic Event Horizon stand out among other cigars in its class?"
A. Its unique Pennsylvania Broadleaf wrapper, medium-plus flavor profile, and meticulous craftsmanship at Fabrica Oveja Negra distinguish it from other cigars. The consistent smoking experience and complex flavors also add to its exclusivity.
Q. "Where is Black Works Studio Intergalactic Event Horizon made, and what distinguishes its craftsmanship or factory from others?"
A. It is made at Fabrica Oveja Negra in Estelí, Nicaragua. The factory is known for its small-batch, high-quality cigars that push the boundaries of traditional cigar-making, ensuring each cigar is hand-rolled with meticulous attention to detail.
Q. "What is the strength of Black Works Studio Intergalactic Event Horizon, and who is it best suited for? Describe the ideal smoking experience."
A. The cigar is medium-plus bodied and best suited for smokers who appreciate complex and balanced flavors. The ideal smoking experience involves savoring the evolving flavors and transitions, making it a memorable and satisfying smoke.
Q. "What are the best drinks or foods to pair with Black Works Studio Intergalactic Event Horizon to enhance its flavor profile?"
A. Pair it with a rich espresso, dark chocolate, or a full-bodied red wine to complement its robust flavors. For a more adventurous pairing, try it with a peaty Scotch or a spiced rum.
Shop Black Works Studio Intergalactic Event Horizon Cigars at Cigars N Cigars online now!