The Nat Sherman Timeless Prestige Divinos is a luxurious short perfecto cigar, offering a complex and flavorful smoking experience in a convenient format. This 5-inch cigar boasts a Honduran wrapper, Dominican binder, and a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, resulting in a medium to full-bodied smoke.
Aromatic Journey:
As you light the Divinos, expect a delightful interplay of flavors. The first puff delivers a balanced combination of cedar, coffee beans, and earthy notes. Hints of freshly baked bread and roasted nuts emerge throughout the smoke, accented by a touch of Nicaraguan spice and espresso. The unique short perfecto shape provides a gradual increase and decrease in gauge, creating a dynamic shift in flavor profile as you smoke.
Ideal for:
- Experienced cigar smokers seeking a sophisticated short smoke
- Aficionados who appreciate complex flavor profiles
- Perfect for enjoying on a patio or balcony
Nat Sherman Timeless Prestige Divinos: Experience timeless elegance in every draw.