Immerse yourself in a world of refined Dominican luxury with the Nat Sherman Timeless Supreme 749 cigar. This masterpiece, crafted by the world-renowned Davidoff brand, is a medium-bodied delight perfect for experienced cigar aficionados seeking a sophisticated smoking experience.
The Timeless Supreme 749 features a rich and alluring Dominican Negrito wrapper, aged to perfection for a smooth and flavorful smoke. The Negrito wrapper embraces a core of premium Dominican long-fillers, meticulously aged to cultivate a complex and satisfying taste profile.
The first light greets you with a warm and inviting aroma of cedar, cocoa, and a touch of spice. As you delve deeper, the smoke reveals a creamy and inviting texture, overflowing with notes of roasted coffee, nuts, and hints of caramel. The aged Dominican fillers contribute a touch of natural sweetness that harmonizes with the cigar's overall sophistication.
The Davidoff Ferio Tego Timeless Supreme boasts a medium-bodied strength, delivering a delightful balance of flavor and strength. The classic Petit Corona vitola (5" x 42) provides a luxurious and manageable smoking experience, allowing you to savor the cigar's nuanced complexities without an overwhelming commitment.
Here's what elevates the Nat Sherman Timeless Supreme 749 to a new level:
- Aged Dominican Negrito wrapper for a smooth and flavorful smoke
- Premium Dominican long-fillers, meticulously aged for complexity
- Medium-bodied strength with a creamy and inviting texture
- Petit Corona vitola (5" x 42) for a luxurious and balanced experience
Indulge in the timeless legacy of the Nat Sherman Timeless Supreme 749.