The Pura Soul Barber Pole cigar is a visually striking and flavorful creation from Pura Soul Cigars, founded by Robert Wright. Crafted at the El Aladino factory in Honduras, this limited-production cigar features a unique barber pole wrapper, combining Honduran Corojo and Honduran Maduro leaves. The blend includes a Honduran binder and filler, ensuring a consistent and high-quality smoking experience.
This medium-full-bodied cigar delivers a dynamic smoking experience, starting with cedar and hay notes that evolve into rich flavors of spice, earth, toasted almond, cocoa, and leather. The meticulous craftsmanship ensures a perfect draw and even burn, enhancing the overall smoking experience. The Pura Soul Barber Pole is available in three sizes: Robusto, Toro, and Gordo, each offering a unique and satisfying smoke.
Q: What is the flavor profile of Pura Soul Barber Pole, and how does it evolve throughout the smoking experience?
A: The flavor profile includes notes of cedar, hay, spice, earth, toasted almond, cocoa, and leather. The flavors evolve smoothly, providing a rich and complex smoking experience.
Q: What makes Pura Soul Barber Pole stand out among other cigars in its class?
A: Its unique barber pole wrapper, complex flavor profile, and exceptional craftsmanship at the El Aladino factory make it a standout choice for cigar enthusiasts.
Q: Where is Pura Soul Barber Pole made, and what distinguishes its craftsmanship or factory from others?
A: It is made at the El Aladino factory in Honduras, known for its high-quality, small-batch production and meticulous attention to detail.
Q: What is the strength of Pura Soul Barber Pole, and who is it best suited for?
A: The cigar is medium-full-bodied, best suited for smokers who enjoy a rich and complex flavor profile. The ideal smoking experience involves savoring the evolving flavors and enjoying the balanced profile.
Q: What are the best drinks or foods to pair with Pura Soul Barber Pole to enhance its flavor profile?
A: Pairing this cigar with a rich espresso, dark chocolate, or a glass of aged rum or whiskey can enhance its bold and complex flavors.