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Dissident Cigars was established with a vision to challenge conventional norms in the cigar industry. Founded by cigar enthusiasts who sought to bring an edgy, rebellious spirit to premium tobacco cigars, Dissident Cigars stands out for its unique approach and bold branding. Since its inception, the brand has achieved recognition for its quality handmade cigars and innovative blends that appeal to those seeking something different in their smoking experience.


Leadership and Philosophy, Dissident Cigars is driven by a philosophy of individuality, creativity, and authenticity. The leadership at Dissident is dedicated to producing premium cigars that break away from tradition while maintaining high standards of quality. This philosophy shapes every part of their process, ensuring that each cigar is hand rolled with care and precision to deliver an exceptional experience for aficionados who appreciate distinctive flavors.

Dissident Soapbox Toro Gordo

Dissident Soapbox Toro Gordo

$59.95 - $215.95
Dissident Soapbox Robusto

Dissident Soapbox Robusto

$54.95 - $197.95
Dissident Soapbox Petite Corona

Dissident Soapbox Petite Corona

$49.95 - $179.95
Dissident Bloc Box Press Toro

Dissident Bloc Box Press Toro

$57.95 - $206.95
Dissident Bloc Box Press Robusto

Dissident Bloc Box Press Robusto

$56.95 - $202.95
Dissident Bloc Box Press Lonsdale

Dissident Bloc Box Press Lonsdale

$54.95 - $197.95
Dissident Rave For Sale

Dissident Rave

$57.95 - $206.95
Dissident Rave BP

Dissident Rave Box Press

$57.95 - $206.95
Dissident Heretic

Dissident Heretic

$62.95 - $224.95
Dissident Plasmatic

Dissident Plasmatic

$62.95 - $224.95
Dissident Molotov

Dissident Molotov

$62.95 - $224.95
Dissident Rant Petite Corona

Dissident Rant

$54.95 - $197.95
Dissident ReVolt

Dissident ReVolt

$69.95 - $251.95
Dissident Tirade

Dissident Tirade

$59.95 - $215.95

Production and Craftsmanship


Tobacco Sourcing: Dissident Cigars sources its tobacco from renowned regions, including Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. These areas are known for producing high-quality leaves that provide the rich and varied flavor profiles Dissident Cigars is known for. The brand’s commitment to sourcing only premium tobacco ensures that every blend is full of character and depth, contributing to the unique appeal of their handmade cigars.


Production Process: Every cigar from Dissident Cigars is crafted by skilled artisans who meticulously hand roll each one. The production process includes careful aging and blending, allowing the tobacco to develop its full range of flavors. Dissident Cigars emphasizes quality control throughout every step, from cultivation to final inspection, ensuring that each premium cigar offers a smooth draw, even burn, and rich, satisfying flavor.


Product Line and Key Cigars


Signature Blends: Dissident Cigars has a variety of standout blends, such as Home, Soapbox, and Bloc. The Home blend is known for its full-bodied profile with notes of earth, cocoa, and spice, while Soapbox offers a medium-bodied experience with flavors of cedar, coffee, and pepper. The Bloc line delivers a robust, complex smoke with hints of leather and dark chocolate, appealing to seasoned aficionados. These unique blends highlight Dissident’s commitment to producing premium tobacco cigars that are bold and memorable.


Variety of Offerings: Dissident Cigars caters to both novice and experienced smokers by offering a range of blends that span from medium to full-bodied. This diversity allows anyone to find a Dissident cigar that suits their palate, whether they’re seeking a mellow smoke or a rich, intense experience. Their collection is accessible both in physical stores and through Dissident Cigars online.


Industry Recognition and Awards


Recognition and Awards: Dissident Cigars has earned praise for its innovative approach and high-quality blends. Several of its cigars have received 90+ ratings in cigar publications, marking them as premium cigars respected by experts and enthusiasts alike. The brand’s unique flavor profiles and quality construction have helped it build a strong reputation in the industry.


Customer Loyalty and Reputation: Loyal customers of Dissident Cigars appreciate the brand’s commitment to craftsmanship and bold flavors. Cigar experts and aficionados alike commend the brand for offering hand rolled cigars that are not only high quality but also creatively distinct, making Dissident a go-to choice for those who seek something different from mainstream offerings.


Market and Distribution


Distribution Channels: Dissident Cigars are available both in select cigar shops and online. Customers interested in exploring the brand can find Dissident Cigars online through various reputable retailers, making it easy to access their collection from anywhere. This availability ensures that smokers have multiple ways to enjoy their favorite Dissident blends.


Global Reach and Popularity: Though Dissident Cigars is a boutique brand, its unique appeal has garnered international attention. The brand’s premium tobacco cigars have found a following across different markets, and its reputation for quality continues to grow. Dissident’s edgy image and commitment to quality set it apart in a competitive global market for premium cigars.


Craftsmanship and Artisanal Approach


Artisan Work: The craftsmanship of Dissident Cigars is reflected in every detail of their hand rolled cigars. Each cigar is constructed with precision, providing a consistent, smooth draw and balanced flavors. This artisanal approach ensures that every smoking experience meets the high standards expected of a premium cigar, underscoring Dissident’s dedication to quality and individuality.


Commitment to Tradition: While Dissident Cigars embraces innovation, the brand also respects traditional cigar-making methods. The blending and rolling techniques are rooted in classic craftsmanship, ensuring that each cigar retains the depth and complexity that cigar lovers expect. This blend of tradition and creativity enables Dissident to create premium cigars that are both modern and timeless.


FAQs and Common Questions


Common Questions: Dissident Cigars are best suited for smokers who appreciate premium tobacco cigars with bold, unconventional flavors. Their handmade cigars appeal to both newcomers and aficionados. Customers frequently inquire about where to find Dissident Cigars online, and the brand’s broad availability makes it easy to explore their unique offerings.


Cigar Experience: Smoking a Dissident cigar offers a premium experience, characterized by a smooth draw, even burn, and a complex, layered flavor profile. Whether enjoying the robust Home blend or the medium-bodied Soapbox, smokers can expect a unique and satisfying experience that reflects Dissident’s creative approach.


Company Size and Production Scale


Factory and Production Scale: Dissident Cigars operates on a boutique scale, focusing on small-batch production to maintain a high level of quality. This approach allows the brand to keep tight control over each step of the production process, ensuring that every hand rolled cigar lives up to its premium reputation.


Sustainability or Ethical Practices: Dissident Cigars places importance on sustainability and ethical practices within its production. By working with local farmers and adhering to responsible tobacco-growing practices, the brand upholds a commitment to both environmental responsibility and community support, aligning with their dedication to producing premium cigars with integrity.